Our first real tree! It just barely fit...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Heart Walk

Join me in my efforts to support American Heart Association - Broward, FL!
This year I am once again helping the American Heart Association fight the nation's leading causes of death by participating in the 2008 Heart Walk on NSU's main campus. Step out against heart disease and stroke by supporting my efforts. Please make a donation so I can reach my walker dollar goal. Even the smallest donation makes a difference! Thank you for your support! (If you wish to donate less than $25, please feel free to contact me personally.)
You can visit my Library Heart Walk donation page here.
Thank you! :)
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Week 9, Exercise 23: Is this really the end? Or just the beginning …

Well, I can't believe the end is here!
Some of my favorite discoveries on this journey had to be how to use RSS feeds, Library Thing, and finally creating my own blog! :)
I really enjoyed discovering Library Thing and can't wait to "catalog" all of my personal books. Who knows, maybe there is a librarian in me after all! Stay tuned...
I'm so glad I had the opportunity to participate in this learning challenge. I love to learn have often been deemed the perpetual student. I feel that I have increased my understanding of today's "hot" technology tools and can integrate them into both my personal and professional life.
I don't think I expected to learn and understand so many new things!
I would definitely choose to participate if another discovery program like this in the future was offered, and hope that I can always come back to this one for reference and refreshers!
A special thanks to Carrie Gits for bringing this all to fruition! :)
Week 9, Exercise 21: Podcasts, Smodcasts!

Okay. I checked out each of the 3 podcast directories mentioned in this week's exercise, Podcast.net, Podcastalley.com, and Yahoo Podcasts.
I did not like the format of the Yahoo Podcasts list once you did a search.
I really liked Podcast.net's format and found a few great Harry Potter podcasts as well as a great one on the Florida Keys!
I didn't like Podcastalley.com much, as far as format, but it did seem to come up with a few more results than podcast.net.
My bloglines account just keeps growing!
Week 9, Exercise 20: You too can YouTube
Don't ask me how, but Ryan and I came across this song a few Christmases ago and it cracks us up until this day! I found it on YouTube as a video...even funnier!
In the spirit of the holiday season, I give you Dominick the Donkey, the Italian Christmas Donkey video and lyrics (song by Lou Monte):
Hey! Chingedy ching,
(hee-haw, hee-haw)
It's Dominick the donkey.
Chingedy ching,
(hee-haw, hee-haw)
The Italian Christmas donkey.
(la la la-la la-la la la la la)
(la la la-la la-la la-ee-oh-da)
Santa's got a little friend,
His name is Dominick.
The cutest little donkey,
You never see him kick.
When Santa visits his paisons,
With Dominick he'll be.
Because the reindeer cannot,
Climb the hills of Italy.
Hey! Chingedy ching,
(hee-haw, hee-haw)
It's Dominick the donkey.
Chingedy ching,
(hee-haw, hee-haw)
The Italian Christmas donkey.
(la la la-la la-la la la la la)
(la la la-la la-la la-ee-oh-da)
Jingle bells around his feet,
And presents on the sled.
Hey! Look at the mayor's derby,
On top of Dominick's head.
A pair of shoes for Louie,
And a dress for Josephine.
The labels on the inside says,
They're made in Brooklyn.
Hey! Chingedy ching,
(hee-haw, hee-haw)
It's Dominick the donkey.
Chingedy ching,
(hee-haw, hee-haw)
The Italian Christmas donkey.
(la la la-la la-la la la la la)
(la la la-la la-la la-ee-oh-da)
Children sing, and clap their hands,
And Dominick starts to dance.
They talk Italian to him,
And he even understands.
Cumpare sing,
Cumpare su,
And dance 'sta tarantel.
When jusamagora comes to town,
And brings du ciuccianello.
Hey! Chingedy ching,
(hee-haw, hee-haw)
It's Dominick the donkey.
Chingedy ching,
(hee-haw, hee-haw)
The Italian Christmas donkey.
(la la la-la la-la la la la la)
(la la la-la la-la la-ee-oh-da)
Hey! Dominick! Buon Natale!
(hee-haw, hee-haw)
(hee-haw, hee-haw)
(hee-haw, hee-haw)
(hee-haw, hee-haw)
(hee-haw, hee-haw)
(hee-haw, hee-haw)
Monday, November 5, 2007
Week 9, Exercise 22: Facebook
If you would like to add me as a friend, I am under my nsu email address.
Jamison's Facebook accout
Week 8, Exercise 18: Web-based Applications
Week 8, Exercise 18: Web-based Applications
I love the idea of web-based applications! This seems like a great tool especially for those of us that find the MS Office suites a bit prohibitive in price. Also, for someone like me who does environmental research in the field, this type of technology is innovative in that we can not always travel with our laptops and the computers we do have access too are VERY old and basic, but usually always have internet access, but not many other programs. Now we could write up research, enter data, and even create presentations available anywhere we have internet access!
I am currently authoring this post on Zoho, so hopefully I post it successfully!
I also liked the idea of the Google Calendar mentioned in the pod-cast for this exercise. I'm going to check it out and compare it to the Zoho planner and see which I like best! I love the idea of a personal online calendar accessable anywhere, not just from your computer!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Week 8, Exercise 19: Discovering Web 2.0 tools
I picked the Guess-the-Google one under the games category because the name caught my eye. Try it out- it is fun and addicting!
Week 7, Exercise 17: Playing around with PBWiki
I also added a favorite restaraunt and favorite animal! I can't wait to see what everyone else adds.
It took a bit of reading directions, but with the guidance provided by this weeks exercise page, using a Wiki wasn't so hard!
Week 7, Exercise 16: So what’s a Wiki?
"A Wiki is a quick-to-build, easy-to-edit website on which all information can be edited, changed, or rewritten by the users or members of the site. It is an incredibly useful tool for collaborative writing, pooling knowledge or exchanging ideas, especially on a subject that changes or needs updating frequently."
I can see a multitude of uses for this type of technology.
This would be a great way to work on updating the Libraries Strategic Plan each year, with everyone being able to contribute their ideas and discussion to any of the goals, instead of the core group that meets to work on them.
Also, this would be great for library reading programs, such as the PLS Summer reading program, where they have participants write book reviews- this way, everyone else can see them and benefit!
I also this this would help end long email strings between multiple recipients since that have one place to go to edit and discuss different matters.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Week 6, Exercise 15: Thinking About 2.0

I read the following perspective on Libraries 2.0:
Away from the “icebergs”
Rick Anderson
Director of Resource Acquisition,
University of Nevada, Reno Libraries
I really enjoyed and agreed with the following 2 quotes:
"There was a time, not very long ago, when libraries exercised something close to monopoly power in the information marketplace."
~So true! How quickly we forget this...
"No profession can survive if it throws its core principles and values overboard in response to every shift in the zeitgeist. However, it can be equally disastrous when a profession fails to acknowledge and adapt to radical, fundamental change in the marketplace it serves."
~I agree...you have to find a balance between total change and no change at all.

Surprisingly, I also enjoyed some of Wikipedia's thoughts, which I don't always agree with:
"Library 2.0 is a loosely defined model for a modernized form of library service that reflects a transition within the library world in the way that services are delivered to users."
This is more of my understanding of Libraries 2.0. Modernizing the way we reach and interact with our users/patrons. It's all about the services we provide and the information exchange- it's not just about the reference desk and card catalog any more! ;)
Week 6, Exercise 14: Technorati

So, I just claimed my blog on Technorati!
I really like the advance search. You can even search by just tags then it gives you the options to view: Quick View, Posts, Blogs, Videos, and Photos! It really gives you different information, especially if you do a keyword search for in Blog posts, in tags and in the Blog Directory.
Let's see if I can successfully add a tag to this blog post...
Week 6, Exercise 13: Tagging, folksomonies & social bookmarking in Del.icio.us
This is a new technology that I can not wait to use at home to add my favorite websites that I have bookmarked on my computer. They are, just as the tutorial said, unorganized and overwhelming. I think this is a great tool!
I love the idea that you can use the social networking aspect of this to find new websites you did not know of and add them to your del.icio.us tags- what a great ideal and handy tool!
I also really like that I can access my bookmarks from anywhere, not just my home computer. That is a very helpful feature so that I don't have to remember or search for my favorite sites when I am working on other computers.
I can definitely see this has great potential as a wonderful tool for research assistance. You can create a whole list of tags and share with others that may be researching the same topic- then you would both mutually find even more resources!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Turtle Rescue 2.0

On the way to lunch today with Dina, Rebekah, Nina, and Ayesha, we spotted a turtle in the middle of the road on SW 30th Street. Dina hopped out to move it over to the side so that it would not be hit when she noticed that it had a hook in it's mouth! We decided the turtle's plight was more important than a nice lunch out and took the turtle, who we named Claire, to the Wildlife Care Center in Fort Lauderdale. She is now in the good hands of the vet there and if she fully recovers, they will put her back in the area she was found. If she needs extra care, then they will find a good home for her.
Save the turtle, save the world!!!!!!!
If you ever come across and injured animal, please take it to the Wildlife Care Center:

Thursday, October 4, 2007
I think this would be great for the library to create either subject specific searches (i.e. business or science) or age specific searches (i.e. teens).
I added my rollyo to my blog, but it is here as well. I tried a travel search.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Library Thing
I LOVE Library Thing! I can't wait to go home and add all my books on my multiple book cases! This is one of my favorite things I have discovered so far in the TLC 2.0!
Great Image Generator for Halloween
Pumpkin Carving Generator! Enjoy!
Image Generators

Consipiracy Theory Generator:
What They Don't Want You to Know
In order to understand Technology you need to realize that everything is controlled by a Library made up of intellects with help from Librarians.
The conspiracy first started during launch of the TLC 2.0 program in South Florida. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including the Moon landing.
Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by talking in soft voices.
They want to confuse TLC 2.0 participants and imprison resisters in Alligator Alley using sail boats.
In order to prepare for this, we all must learn and participate. Since the media is controlled by news stations we should get our information from blogs.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
It's the official, International Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!!

Aye, tis' talk like a pirate day, argh!
Check out this really fun pirate speak translator!!
Here's one for you: "Arrr, hi, my name be Jaime. Aye, me parrot concurs."
Monday, September 17, 2007

For the Week 4, Exercise 9: Finding Feeds Discovery Excercise, I decided to explore one of the search tools to find feeds. I settled on Feedster, and what a find! None of my favorite Harry Potter sites seem to have RSS feeds, so I searched through Feedster and found a new HP site- a blog with all the same updates! I'm so excited to have a new resource for Harry Potter news.
Feedster is very user friendly and a great tool.
RSS Feeds!
I have been wanting to do this for ages- set up my RSS feeds and just didn't know how. Now, thanks to the TLC 2.0 program, I am finally set up with bloglines!
I am feeling super smart and proud today!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Week 3 Technology Thoughts
-Do you know or use other photo sharing sites? How do they compare with Flickr?
I have viewed other pics and used other photo sharing sites, and I have to say, after this week that I prefer flikr. It seems to have far more options, rather than just uploading and sharing photos, and I like that it can become a social networking site for some- I thought that was really interesting.
-After browsing others’ photos in Flickr, did privacy issues cross your mind?
I do see some issues regarding privacy on flickr. Some of the photos I can across in the random selection tool were very inappropriate and others I can't imagine wanting to be made public. I think it is important to remember when you are uploading photos to think long and hard about their content and to be sure to select public or private before posting.
Spell with flickr
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
More flickr fun...
Flickr fun and park pet update
This photo is one of the first I uploaded when exploring Flickr. This is a picture of Ryan taking our park pet to the Wildlife Care Center in Fort Lauderdale. After a LOT of research, we concluded that we could not provide a good enough habitat for the "little" guy (who ended up weighing 72 lbs!). He needs lots of room and we would have had to invest hundreds of dollars into our yard to make it African Spurred tortoise friendly. They are diggers and have to be completely fenced in and you have to dig a barrier down into the ground and put up a barrier along the bottom of the fence so they can not see into the next yard. Plus, we would have to create a water feature for him. Feeding him wasn't too bad- he eats mainly hay and very little water. But, since we live on a canal, we could not leave him outside unattended as he would bee-line straight for the shore and Ryan had to grab him before he fell in! We decided that he needed a more suitable home, so once he broke through our porch door, we decided it was time to say goodbye. It was hard, he really was like a puppy dog, but we know we are doing the right thing and giving him a good home. Goodbye buddy!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
1st Park Pet

Well, it has finally happened. My husband Ryan, who works at a Broward County Park, has finally brought home our first "park pet"- a 40 pound African Spurred Tortoise!
Here are some interesting facts:
The Sulcata is the third largest species of tortoise in the world, and is the largest of the mainland tortoises. Adults are usually 18 inches in shell length, and weigh 70 to 100 pounds. Specimens with 24 to 30 inch long shells weighing 150 pounds are not unknown. They grow from hatchling size (2-3 inches) very quickly, reaching 6-10 inches within the first few years of their lives. An adult sulcata will need a great deal of space. Several web sites list the record size between 230 lb and 240 lb.
Sounds a bit too big for our back porch and yard to me!
FYI- A "park pet" is defined by any exotic species that is dropped off at a park by a pet owner who feels they can no longer care for the crazy animal that they bought in the first place, so they decide to set them "free" in the "wild". Problem is that these animals are usually exotic and will out compete the native species. So, as a naturalist, Ryan has to remove them from the habitat and find a suitable home for them. As you can tell, since the tortoise (who we are affectionately calling Godzilla) is at our house, Ryan is having a hard time finding a new home for him.

Friday, August 31, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Week 1, Exercise 2: 7 & 1/2 Habits online tutorial
I think the hardest habit for me is Habit 3: View problems as challenges. Usually when problems arise, I view them as another stumbling block, not as a chance to learn. It is only later that I realize that I may have learned something out of the situation. If I could think about that at the time a problem arises, perhaps it will help me!
A good quote to start things off...
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
--Mark Twain