Thursday, September 13, 2007

Week 3 Technology Thoughts

I decided to look at two of the suggested points for comment:

-Do you know or use other photo sharing sites? How do they compare with Flickr?

I have viewed other pics and used other photo sharing sites, and I have to say, after this week that I prefer flikr. It seems to have far more options, rather than just uploading and sharing photos, and I like that it can become a social networking site for some- I thought that was really interesting.

-After browsing others’ photos in Flickr, did privacy issues cross your mind?

I do see some issues regarding privacy on flickr. Some of the photos I can across in the random selection tool were very inappropriate and others I can't imagine wanting to be made public. I think it is important to remember when you are uploading photos to think long and hard about their content and to be sure to select public or private before posting.


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