Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Week 1, Exercise 2: 7 & 1/2 Habits online tutorial

I guess the easiest habit for me is Habit 1: Begin with the end in mind. I love to plan everything out and make lists and goals so that I know where I am going. This helps when I am juggling so many things at once.

I think the hardest habit for me is Habit 3: View problems as challenges. Usually when problems arise, I view them as another stumbling block, not as a chance to learn. It is only later that I realize that I may have learned something out of the situation. If I could think about that at the time a problem arises, perhaps it will help me!

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Unfortunately, hindsight is 20/20. Those things that we cursed at the time, are sometimes blessings in disguise. I have been trying to live the problems as challenges motto. It is difficult. But, I think in the end it will be worth every scrape and bruise.